At this point, ipfs-update is usable. However, it's strongly recommended that you first add ipfs-update.exe to your PATH using the following steps:
Print the current working directory and copy it to your clipboard:
Check if a profile file for PowerShell already exists:
If a profile already file exists, skip the next step and proceed to step 8.
Create a new PowerShell profile file:
New-Item-path $profile-type file –force
Add the address copied in step 5 to PowerShell's PATH by adding it to the end of the Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1 file stored in Documents\WindowsPowerShell:
Test that your PATH is set correctly by going to your home folder and asking ipfs-update for the version:
ipfs-update --version
If an error occurs on the next startup of PowerShell while loading the profile file, change the PowerShell ExecutionPolicy to Unrestricted, as described in the Microsoft PowerShell documentation(opens new window).
Use the revert function to roll-back to a previous version of Kubo:
ipfs-update revert
The revert function is useful if a newly installed version needs to be reverted to a more stable version, or you want to test or use older versions of Kubo.